Amiga Format CD 51
Amiga Format CD51 (2000-03-10)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 2000-04].iso
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SX4Amiga is a hard/software package for programming the SX series of microcontrollers
from Scenix. These controllers have a PIC compatible CPU and are designed to operate at
very high speeds ranging from 50 to 100MHz. Combined with their real RISC core these
processors reach speeds of 100Mips, making them the fastest microcontrollers in their
class. The SX chips are available in 50 and 100mhz version with either 18 or 28 pins. The
chips are called SX18AC, SX18AC100, SX28AC and SX28AC100.
Until recently, the only programmer available for these chips is the expensive commercial
SX-Key from Parallax. The software for this programmer is only available for Windows
and later Linux systems. Then there was Fluffy, a DIY programmer. This system was also
only available for PC.
And now, there is SX4Amiga. Only available for Amiga systems !
SX4Amiga features:
-ISP programming adapter.
-19K2 RS232 interface
-2.5 mips microcontroller to handle timing sensitive low level protocol
-tested with SX18/SX28 types, fabrication dates 9849/9830
The programmer is built around a pic16c/f84 processor so you need access to an pic
programmer. Unfortunately it isn't possible to do without this processor because of the
VERY timing sensitive programming algorithm of the SX. Fortunately the rest of the
schematic is very simple. The processor is clocked by a 9.8304MHz crystal. This
frequency has been chosen because it can be divided by 512 giving a baud rate for the
serial interface of exactly 19200 bps.
The programmer needs 2 voltages, a +5V VCC supply and an +12.5V VPP supply. In
my implementation of SX4Amiga these voltages are derived from an unstabilized 12V
mains adapter using an 78L12 and an 7805 but you can also derive them from other
sources. (you can by example, tap +5V from the board you are programming and use a
switched step-up regulator to create +12.7V, as is done in the real SX-Key) If you take a
look at the diode in the 78L12 circuit, you can see that it makes sure that +12.6 is
delivered at the emitter of T1. When T1 is turned on, the saturation voltage of 0.2V makes
that +12.4V is delivered at he SX OSC1 pin. The 100Ohms resistor in series with T1 is to
limit the curent flowing into OSC1 in case of a malfunction. I used mosfets for T2 and T3
because they don't need an extra resistor. If you can't get hold of these mosfet's or find
them too expensive, you can also use a bc547 with a 22Kohms resistor in the base
connection. The SX4Amiga programming adapter has 2 status led's. The red led will light
when the 12.4/12.5V programming voltage is active. The green led acts as a power/busy
led. This led will light when the porgrammer is on and it will dim or start to flicker when
there is communication with the Amiga.
Included in the archive is a little shell-utility called (surprisingly) SX4Amiga. SX4Amiga
uses the serial.device (standard amiga serial port) to connect to the SX4Amiga hardware at
19k2 baud. Other ports can be used by starting SX4Amiga with the following arguments:
SX4Amiga <device> <number>
The procedure to program an SX chip is the following:
1) start SX4Amiga in a shell.
2) Choose 'L' and type in the path of the HEX file you want to program.
3) Choose 'F' and enter the right Fuse and FuseX values
4) Choose 'T' and enter the Erase/Write time in ms.
5) Buffer,Fuse, FuseX and Timing must now show the right settings.
6) Connect the programming adapter to the Amiga and the SX chip (If you haven't
already done so)
7) Choose 'E' to erase the SX chip
8) Choose 'W' to program the SX chip.
With the 'T' option you can change the programming times in ms. (Refer to the SX
datasheet for the right values.) At the time of writing there are 2 revisions of the SX
silicon; the old revision and the new revision (refer to www.scenix.com for an errata on
silicon revisions). The old revison has a programming time of 100ms, the new revision has
a programming time of 20ms. Note that these 2 revisons also differ in the Fuse/FuseX
layout, so take care! The default setting of SX4Amiga is 100ms, which is also the
maximum value.
The SX won't work if the FuseX bits 11:7 are trashed with the wrong values. To overcome
this situation (if it might happen) option 'O' is added. This option will overwrite FuseX
with the current entered values. (including bits 11:7) Note that this option also erases
the rest of the chip !
An assembler is not included in this project. Fortunately there is an excellent pic
compatible cross compiler available for the Amiga: Apic. If you donwload the SX manual
you will see that the SX uses other mnemonics than the PIC. They are however opcode
and function compatible with the PIC lookalikes. Use therefore normal pic mnemonics on
the Amiga. There are 3 instructions that you will need on the SX but which are not
available in the PIC:
To get around these problems the include file SX.inc replaces them with the instructions
bcf PCL,1 2 and 3. This are bit clear instructions on the program counter and must
therefore not be used in your program. The SX4Amiga programming tool replaces them
again with the proper opcodes for mode, ret and reti again. Included in the archive is a
example program that flashes led's connected to RA,RB and RC. Study this to get started.
The SX chips are still very new and a little beta. If you have bought an SX, write down
the date/type stamp and look it up at www.scenix.com. Some production dates have little
errors. This can save you days of searching for a software bug while the hardware
faulty ! Furthermore, there are quite some websites dedicated to the SX. These are often
very helpfull.
Happy programming with the fastest MCU in the world !
V0.90ß ??-07-1999 First working version and my first program is running on SX
V0.93ß 24-12-1999 -Added Overwrite option to overwrite bits 11:7 of FuseX
-Fixed a bug that always setted CF bit of FuseX to 1
-Cleaned up the code.